Narrowboat Swallow
OWNER'S Winter Work Parties
Each year after the annual maintenance, Swallow owners get together to polish the boat and do various other jobs as agreed at the AGM. CLICK on each image to view more for that year
The 2016 Team, left to right... Alex, Richard, Brian, Chris, Gill, Jan, Liz, Brenda, Judith, Chris, John
The 2014 Team tea break, left to right... Gill, Brenda, Carole, Richard C, Jill (Richard B behind camera)

The 2008 Team - left to right... Richard, Andy, Chris
(no more pictures this year)
The 2002 Team - left to right... Richard, ??, John, Pat, Jan, Dick, Brenda, David, ?? Lesley, Mike, Penny
The 2010 Team - left to right... Andy, Chris, Jan, Gill, David, Jill and Richard

The 2007 Team - left to right... Brian,David, ?, Andy, Mike, Andy, Lesley, Annette, Brenda, ?, Penny, Richard (no more pictures this year)
The 2006 Team - left to right... Andy, Annette, Lesley, Mike, Brenda, David, Penny, Brian, Richard